Monday, April 13, 2009

Long Time no posts......

Wow! I just realized that we have not posted anything since NOVEMBER!!! For my far away family, I apologize! Brooke, just so you know, I will not put up with that from you! We have to see pictures of this beautiful baby girl Howell....often!!! This family already has a slacker blogger so you have to keep up with what you have been doing :)

OK so to catch everyone up on Gwyneth...

Well, she is TWO! I can not believe it. Somedays she is two with a vengenace, those are fun times. I really am enjoying this stage because she is changing so much SO FAST I am usually afraid to blink.

We had her second birthday party,it was an Elmo party. She was so much fun with her cake. We sat the cake in front of her fully prepared for her to just tear into it and she sat there and waited for a fork!!

She is almost completely potty trained and we are SO HAPPY! She still has accidents, but amazingly, those happen at home. She likes to go to the potty when we are in public.....maybe we should be out all the time :-)

She has a huge vocabulary, she can count and say her alphabet. She is working on spelling her name. She is in size 4-5 clothes and she is 3 feet tall!

She loves to go to her grandparents house (either one she just loves to go see all of them!!) We are lucky to have all of them so close because they spoil her with such love!!

She enjoys going to "school" 3 days a week while mommy works and Grandma's house 1.5 days a week.

She loves Basketball, both watching and playing with Daddy.

She is still a daddy's girl so anything Daddy likes pretty much goes!!

Since it has been so long since I posted, I am just going to put some random pictures of her on here so you can see how she is changing and some of the things we do around here.

This is her singing along with her birthday card, it is Ariel and she is singing "Under the Sea". Gwyn is quite the little singer! In the background is her kitchen that mommy and daddy got her for her birthday.

These are pictures from Valentines Day, her birthday morning and just lounging with Boston!

1 comment:

Brooke and Peter said...

oh my goodness... she is SO grown up and darling... :) I promise I won't slack on my blog... But you have to step it up too! I want more fun stories of Gwyn!
Can't wait for the gals to meet in July

Love you so much!