Hello everyone! I have really been busy so I haven't had time to update the blog. Mommy received a great picture of me during our Vaction Bible School so that will be the picture for today. See if you can find me in there. The picture is of the nursery (my class) and the PreK 3 and 4 year olds.
First I want to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Pop Pop!! I hope you are having a great day and I love you!
Next I need to catch everyone up on what I have been doing....
I am now potty trained! I still have accidents sometimes, but I really like this potty chair thing, especially when we go out places... I always tell mommy I need to potty and I get to check out the bathrooms, there are some really cool things in there although mommy usually tells me not to touch anything.....
I have learned where all of my major body parts are and I can point them out on myself and other people too.
I got to go to my first concert the other night. Has anyone else ever heard of TROUT FISHING IN AMERICA? They are a group that does children songs and they were here putting on a concert so mommy and daddy took me.We went with my friend Gavin and his parents (they are friends of mommy and daddy) I had a lot of fun and there was a neat bathroom there too, I went many times!
The other night we had cousin Vivian's birthday and there was a petting zoo in Granny and Pop Pop's backyard. There were lots of animals and we got to play with all of them. I liked the goats and rabbits best. THAT WAS FUN! I was so tired when that was over that I did not even want to take a bath but mommy and daddy made me anyway.....
Well, I need to go for now. I will post more later.
Love to everyone!!!
1 comment:
I love the updates... love her little happy self poking out of that picture... what a darling... i can't beleive she is potty trained! way to go shannon!
thanks for the updates.
i love you and miss you like crazy!
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