The first thing we did was take a trip! Jason had to go to San Antonio for a week long seminar. I have a flexible work schedule, so it was arranged that we would go with him. This was going to be Gwyn's first plane ride!! We told her she was going to ride in an airplane and the first thing she said was "To go see Aunt Brooke?" (we told her in July after we saw Brooke for the holidays that we would go on vacation to Montana and see Aunt Brooke. She talked about this every day!!) We had to explain that the Montana trip would come later. This time we were going to San Antonio. She was very excited to go on a plane.
Here she is on the plane.
Then we had a layover in Houston and got on another plane. She was tired.........
While we were in San Antonio Gwyn and I shopped and played everyday almost ALL day!! Jason was in class each day from 8-5 so we would have breakfast with him, then go to the room and relax (she watched tv or played while I worked a little bit). Then Jason would come to the room for lunch. After lunch Gwyn and I would shop, play, swim, site see, just in general have some great Mommy and Gwyneth time.... I LOVED THIS! In the evenings we would go on the riverwalk and eat dinner and then just enjoy time together. This was a WONDERFUL time for us!!
Here are some pictures from this vacation:
At the Alamo
Petting the horses (Gwyn wanted to pet EVERY horse we saw!)
Trolley ride
Gwyn really enjoyed the vacation and did not really want to go back to school once we returned. We both got a little spoiled from spending ALL of our time together! She quickly got back into her routine and all is wonderful now! She still loves school and is learning so much from Miss Jenny.
I will post more later on the other things we have been doing since school started!!
Love to everyone!!
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